clouded leopards pictures

They are the most amazingly marked of all the cats. Its side pattern consists of some 6 large, narrow, brown blotches, edged in black, and pale areas separating the blotches. On their undersides are pale with few spots. They have long canines for shredding meat. The snout is rather broad , the head is quite narrow, and the pupils yellow. They prefer to live deep in the forest away from human settlements. They are found in Nepal and Sikkim to southern China, Hainan and Formosa and South to Sumatra, the Malay states and Borneo's montane forests.

They spend the daylight hours sleeping in trees, while during night time they spend their time hunting by stalking their prey from the ground or the trees. Not much else is known of their social organization. The only time they are not solitary is during mating season. The pregnancy last for 90 days, the mother then gives birth to a litter of 2 to 4 cubs, the cubs are usually born in a hollow tree. The cubs eyes open after 10 to 12 days, and they are active after about 5 weeks.

The exact population of the Clouded Leopard is not known, the population is thought to be declining because of the number of pelts available on the black market and that the number of Leopard sittings people that live close to where the Leopards are usually found.

The Clouded Leopard is currently endangered. It is endangered because its habitat is being destroyed through logging advance of the human population, poaching for its pelt, and hunting because it kills livestock.

Common Name: Clouded Leopard (a.k.a. Mint Leopard, Tree Tiger)
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata (Vertebrata)
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Pantherinae Neofelis
Species: nebulosa
Misc.: This species, like the snow leopard, is one of those that is somewhere between the small cats and the great cats in that it can’t purr like the small cats and it can’t roar like the true great cats.
The tree climbing talents of the clouded rival that of the Margay, running down trees head-first and climbing branches horizontally with its back towards the ground, and even hangs upside down by its hind legs. They are also quite adept at swimming and readily take to water. The clouded leopard is most associated with primary evergreen tropical rainforests, but sightings have made in secondary and logged forests as well as grassland and scrub and mangrove swamps. It has been recorded at elevations of as high as 3000 meters
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