Tiger salamander larvae Tiger salamander pics

salamanders grow to a typical length of 6–8 inches (15–20 cm). They can reach up to 14 inches (36 cm) in length, particularly neotenic individuals. Adults are usually blotchy with grey, green, or black, and have large, lidded eyes. They have short snouts, thick necks, sturdy legs, and long tails. Their diet consists largely of small insects and worms.
Tiger salamanders are almost entirely terrestrial as adults, and usually only return to the water to breed. But also they partly live in both land and water. They also like to swim,even if they are terrestrial. They also are good swimmers. Like all ambystomatids, they are extremely loyal to their birthplace, and will travel long distances to reach it. However, a single tiger salamander has only a 50% chance of breeding more than once in its lifetime. Males nudge a willing female to initiate mating, and then deposit a spermatophore on the lake bottom.

These are known as small morph adults. Other larvae, especially in ancestral pools and warmer climates, may not metamorphose until fully adult size. These large larvae are usually known as waterdogs, and are used extensively in the fishing bait and pet trade. Some populations may not metamorphose at all, and become sexually mature while in their larval form.

Since they tend to breed in semipermanent wetlands, larval Tiger Salamanders often experience mass mortality in association with pond drying. Introduced fishes have also been known to reduce, and levels they also experience reduced growth and longer larval periods. The effect of agricultural pesticides in endocrine disruption has also been researched. All of these issues have collectively influenced Tiger Salamander populations.

Virunga national park congo & virunga Gorilas pics

Virunga National Park (French: Parc National des Virunga), formerly named Albert National Park, lies from the Virunga Mountains, to the Rwenzori Mountains, in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, bordering Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda and Rwenzori Mountains National Park in Uganda. The Ruwenzori Mountains lie on the Ugandan border and rise to alpine meadows and a glacier, while Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira are both active volcanoes with substantial associated lava plains. The neighbouring Mount Hoyo area was managed with the park and is home to a population of Bambuti Pygmy people, caves and waterfalls, but since the civil wars, the park has suffered somewhat. Land invasions and intense poaching have challenged the park authorities to the limit, but most rangers have remained active. Since 1994, about 120 rangers have been killed in the line of duty protecting the park from illegal poaching and land acquisition. Amongst other military activity, the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda or FDLR has been using the park as a safe location when they have come under sustained attack, such as Laurent Nkunda's offensives against them in April-May 2007.

                                                            virunga Gorilas pics

                                                             Virunga national park

                                                                    virunga Gorilas

white rhinoceros pictures

white rhinoceros some life highlights
white rhinoceros is not actually white, but light grey. The name was derived from the Afrikaans word wyt, so perhaps it would more properly be called "square-lipped rhinoceros: because wyt refers to the wide, square muzzle that is so well suited to grazing on grass, the abundant food in its grassland habitat. The white rhinoceros once occurred extensively south of the Sahara. The northern subspecies is close to extinction. The southern subspecies came close to extinction in the late-1800s but it responded to conservation measures and populations have increased greatly. The two horns are positioned one behind the other and its thick hide is relatively smooth. Horns are made of compressed hair. Like most rhinoceroses, the young are quite hairy but adults are hairless except for their ear rims, tail tip and eyelashes. White Rhinoceros or Square-lipped rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) is one of the five species of rhinoceros that still exist and is one of the few megafaunal species left. It has a wide mouth used for grazing and is the most social of all rhino species. This suggests the origin of the word was before codification by Dutch writers. A review of Dutch and Afrikaans literature about the rhinoceros has failed to produce any evidence that the word wijd was ever used to describe the rhino outside of oral use. Other popular theories suggest the name comes from its wide appearance throughout Africa, its color due to wallowing in calcerous soil or bird droppings or because of the lighter colour of its horn. An alternative common name for the White Rhinoceros, more accurate but rarely used, is the square-lipped rhinoceros. the last offspring came to the world in 2000, the zoo management decided to stimulate the Rhino's sexual appetite by putting them back into their natural habitat. The agreement with Kenya government expects the Rhinos never to be returned to the Czech Republic. Reportedly they are supposed to be heavily guarded to ensure, that they won't be killed by poachers. The Northern White Rhino (Ceratotherium simum) formerly ranged over parts of north-western Uganda, southern Chad, south-western Sudan, the eastern part of Central African Republic, and north-eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. Poachers reduced their population from 500 to 15 in the 1970s and 1980s. From the early 1990s through mid 2003, the population recovered to more than 32 animals. Surveys in 2000 indicated that the population had started recovering, with 30 animals confirmed in 2000, and possibly six others Since mid 2003, poaching had intensified and reduced the wild population to only 5 to 10 animals (7 actual count worldwide).

                                                  white rhinoceros with baby

                                            white rhinoceros in the jungle

                                                             african white rhinoceros

                                                    white rhinoceros pics

                                                white rhinoceros wallpapers

white rhinoceros pictures

white rhinoceros
white rhinoceros
white rhinoceros
white rhinoceros
white rhinoceros
white rhinoceros
white rhinoceros
white rhinoceros

world most expensive dogs pictures

 regret as I end up buying any luxurious accessory for my Dog. At times, I do wonder if my desire for buying pricey thingy products for my dog would ever end. While earlier, the package was full of Rescue jackets for dogs, diamond-coat by Vivienne Westwood. Amour, it is a 52-carat diamond dog collar demanding a braking sum of $1.8 million. The collar is weaved with 1600 hand-set diamonds with a seven-carat, D-IF, brilliant cut center diamond.
China say adult Tibetan mastiffs sell for tens of thousands of dollars, and can even go for more than $100,000. One of them sold for more than half a million dollars last year to a woman in northern China who then sent 30 black Mercedes-Benzes and other luxury cars to fetch the dog from the airport, according to a report in the state-run China Daily. After splurging on real estate in Australia, American thoroughbreds and European designer fashions, China's rich see the Tibetan mastiffs as a new status symbol.

yellow anaconda snake wallpapers & images

Yellow Anacondas are smaller than their close relation, the Green Anaconda. They reach lengths of approximately 3 m (9.8 ft) and they are known to have a life span of approximately 25 - 30 years.
Their base colour is a yellowish/brown and they are covered in black blotches and rosettes.Yellow Anacondas mainly feed on birds, rodents and fish. They prefer to hunt live prey, but will scavenge for dead animals. They suffocate their prey by wrapping themselves around it and constricting.Yellow Anacondas breed during the rainy season and usually in the water. They will have litters of 20 - 40 but as many as 100 young are possible. Gestation usually lasts approximately 6 months and they become sexually mature at 3 - 4 years of age.
yellow anaconda pics yellow anaconda yellow anaconda yellow anaconda yellow anaconda large yellow anaconda pics

Deep sea fish and animals

death stalker scorpion

deathstalker (Leiurus quinquestriatus), is a species of scorpion, a member of the Buthidae family. It is also known as Palestine yellow scorpion Omdurman scorpion, Israeli desert scorpion and numerous other colloquial names, which generally originate from the commercial captive trade of the animal. However, young children, the elderly, or infirm (such as those with a heart condition or those who are allergic) would be at much greater risk. Any envenomation runs the risk of anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction to the venom. United States and other countries outside of the typical range of the deathstalker, there is the additional complicating factor that none of the existing antivenoms are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (or equivalent agencies) and are only available as investigational drugs. The US Armed Forces maintains an Investigational drug (IND) application for the AVPC-Riyadh antivenom in the event of envenomation of soldiers in the Gulf War theater of operations.

There is special concern among persons who keep venomous reptiles and arachnids as exotic pets regarding the marketing of L.quinquestriatus by pet stores, especially as the dangerous aspects are glorified whilst little evaluation is done with purchasers as to their experience with scorpions, highly venomous animals, or the potential risks of envenomation. as an example of glorifying the dangerous aspects of L.quinquestriatus.
There are legal aspects regarding keeping of L.quinquestriatus in captivity. Like all Buthidae, it requires a licence under the UK's 1976 Dangerous Wild Animals act. Jurisdictions in the U.S. Despite the inherent danger in keeping such a highly venomous species as a pet and despite increasing legal restrictions on ownership, L.quinquestriatus is still readily available in the exotic pet trade including in pet stores.

                                                           death stalker scorpion

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